Welcome to the Meadway Hall website

Meadway Hall is a wonderful community facility ideal for wedding receptions, dances, theatre events, conferences, seminars etc.

Surrounded by a large well-maintained grass playing field with football goals, picnic tables, a play area, a pétanque pitch and a basketball hoop, it is ideal for sporting events, play-school activities and the like.

There is a  large parking area and there is provision for disabled Blue-Badge holders with a reserved bay. There is plenty of overflow parking at the rear for large events.

Meadway Hall is a charitable organisation which is managed by a committee of Trustees on behalf of the local community. We are always looking for new Trustees who are willing to be co-opted on to the committee. The Trustees meet on the second Tuesday of each month.

To book the hall please contact our booking secretary via the Booking tab or send an email to bookings.cdvillagehall@gmail.com. Please check the facilities tab to see exactly what we have. If you wish to view the hall then please do arrange a mutually convenient time to visit with our booking secretary.

The Hall also houses a Post Office.
Opening hours:
Mon to Fri 9am to 12 noon.

Our location

Latest News

Meadway Hall Lunches are now held every two months (on odd numbered months).

We are looking for more volunteers to help with all aspects – cooking, serving, setting up, washing up – if you would be interested in helping in any way please contact:

Ally Dore 01458 840595

Regular Users

The groups below are open to members of the public.

If you are interested please use the contact details for the particular group.

Short Mat Bowls (Main Hall): Monday Evenings 7 – 9pm & Thursday afternoons 2 – 4pm

Contact: Lynne Sandbach at lynnexsandbach@hotmail.com or on 01458 851380 / 07493 629926 or Peter 01458 448801

WI (Meeting Room) – 3rd Tuesday of each month 7.30pm.
Contact: Janet Davies 01458 272877 

Baby and Toddler Group (Main Hall) – Tuesday Mornings in term time 9.30am – 12pm

Contact: Helen Miles 07528 123164

Craft Club (Meeting Room) – 1st and 3rd Tuesday mornings 9.30am – 12.30pm

Contact: Trish 01458 447075

Gardening Club (Meeting Room) – 1st Monday evening of the month (Autumn/Winter only) 7.30 – 9pm

Contact: Fay Ridgill 01458 899704

Village Lunch (Whole Hall) – Last Wednesday of every odd numbered month 12.30 – 2pm Contact: Ally Dore 01458 840595

Village Hall Trustees (Meeting Room) – 2nd Tuesday evening of the month

Contact: Tiffany Kearton 01458 440031

Parish Council (Meeting Room) – 1st Wednesday evening of the month 7pm

Gentle Yoga  Thursdays 9am – 12pm

Contact: thaliabrown44@gmail.com or 07706 462563

Pilates/Kettlebells (Main Hall) Tuesdays 4 – 6pm, Fridays 9.30am – 12pm

Contact: Chantel Boyd

chantel.rianne.boyd@hotmail.co.uk or 07971 563732

U3A Table Tennis (Main Hall) Wednesdays (except last of the month) 2.30 – 4.30pm

Contact: beesonm@btinternet.com or 01458 272298

Ballroom Dance  (Main Hall) Mondays 2 – 4.15pm £5pp Thursdays 8 – 10.30 pm £6.50

Contact: Paul Eden paulh4d@me.com or 07944 635486

Line Dancing (Main Hall) Wednesdays

Contact: Julie soulfuldovelinedancing@hotmail.com